Guinea Bissau: opening of a digital home for vulnerable women!

Facilitate sustainable access to training and professional integration of vulnerable young people through work involving local actors (NGOs, associations, leaders, etc.), companies and public authorities.
In the world, 22% of young people are neither in school, nor in employment, nor in training. (IECD, 2019)
Vocational training is a major challenge to enable the population to be more autonomous and to escape from extreme poverty in a sustainable way. In developing countries, many young people are looking for work and a large number of sectors are struggling to find qualified local staff.
This incompatibility between labour supply and demand calls into question vocational training that is not adapted to the needs of enterprises, too theoretical or based on sectors that are already overcrowded.
To enable young people to achieve their full potential, ESSOR is developing innovative Human and Professional Training pathways that enable young people to develop their personal and professional skills, and to integrate socially and economically in fields that are in line with the needs of the local labour markets.
Improve the quality of training and the integration of vulnerable young people
Strengthen the relationship between training professionals and enterprises
Strengthen links between Northern and Southern NGOs
ESSOR has bet on the human training of young people! Training centres and company managers are convinced that technical skills are not enough to integrate and flourish in the professional world "Soft" skills (communication, self-confidence, creativity) are increasingly sought after. ESSOR, in partnership with the MUVA programme, has therefore integrated "Human Training" sessions into the training and integration programme, the aim of which is to enable young people to develop interpersonal skills (ability to work in a team, control of emotions, ability to adapt, etc.). This training is specifically designed to address gender issues and deconstruct stereotypes linked to the world of work: a woman can become an electrician, and a man can become a childcare worker... The young people who have attended these sessions have more self-confidence, especially women ; have seriously matured their professional project ; and are more comfortable in interpersonal relationships, which favours their integration into the world of work.